
May 2018 4×4 Hot Yoga Challenge



Want a fitter stronger body, clearer calmer mind? Then join us for the hottest yoga challenge in Cork. Complete 4 classes per week for 4 consecutive weeks and see the incredible changes for yourself. We’ll keep you motivated and you’ll love the results! New members can buy our Intro offer for €49 for 30 days unlimited, or existing members can buy our special discounted class pack 16 classes for €120. All who complete the challenge by the 31st May will enter our draw for the big prize. What are you waiting for? All you have to do is show up. No booking for any of our hot yoga classes just arrive 20min before we start so you can sign up for the challenge. You’ll need to be hydrated so drink 2 litres of water throughout the day, bring a yoga may, two towels and water for your class. Enjoy.

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